The Christchurch Property Investment Specialist


I help New Zealanders understand and discover how to invest in residential property. Specialising in existing properties that need renovations to unlock their cashflow and growth potential.

Property Investment can change your life

Sounds grandiose.... but it is 100% true. I have experienced this first hand, and seen many others enjoy the same benefits.

Replacing your salary or wages, that you spend 40+ hours per week to get with a more passive version is absolutely life changing. (sorry nothing is truely passive - there is some work involved)

To achieve this takes effort and sacrifice, but being able to choose how you spend your day is the ultimate freedom that a lot of us are searching for.

But I have seen first hand property investing done wrong. I have a range of free advice, digital products, 1:1 coaching, and an online community to help you discover property investment and to guide you on the property investing path best suited for your own individual best outcomes.

How can I help YOU ?

I offer a range of tools, programs and coaching for different requirements and budgets. These have different  interaction levels and therefore the prices vary.

Digital Courses

We are currently producing 2 different  4-6 week digital Masterclass courses

'Property Investing 101'

'Start Flipping'

These will be a digital video based course, with a live Q & A session at the completion of the course.

Full details coming soon


Strategy Session

1:1 - looking at your personal situation & we will form a solid strategy for you to take the next few steps on your property investing journey.


1:1 Mentoring

Very limited numbers of 1:1 Property Mentoring with me. This is phone/zoom based so perfect anywhere in NZ. Get specific help to supercharge your property investing.

1:1 Options

With these you are getting 1:1 time with me & these are the fastest way to achieve success in Property Investment.

Seek & Find - Our personalised property finding service. 

Renovate Right - A renovation advisory service, making sure you do just whats needed

Done for You Coaching - This is our Premium Coaching where I journey with you through the whole process, helping you every step of the way

Just who in Nathan ?

If you are just finding my content for the first time, welcome, and let me share some of my story.

I have been investing in property here in Christchurch for over 20 years. Buying, adding value, renovating, renting out and selling. I have done dozens of my own projects, as well as helping many others on their property journey.

Along with property investing I have created and operated a number of service based business complementing my property investing. 

Property Management, Renovation Project Management, and a Waste Management business were among the successful business I have been involved with.

I'm now putting all the knowledge and experience into helping others achieve their success on their own property investment journey.